jeudi 5 novembre 2015

What makes you tense?

What makes you tense?

If you are suffering from stress, either because of your job or for personal reasons, the first step to improve how you feel is to determine the cause.

The most useful thing you can do is resort to unhealthy thing to help you overcome the problem, such as smoking or drinking alcohol.

"In life, there is always a solution to the problems," says Professor Cary Cooper, an occupational health expert at the University of Lancaster. "Failure to control the situation and do nothing about it would only make the problems worse."

He says that the keys control the tension lies in building emotional strength, have control over your position and have a good social network and adopt a positive Outlook on life.

What you can do

These are the top 10 techniques to remove the tension gives Andrew Cooper:

1-be active

If you have a problem related to stress, physical activity that puts you in the right mood to be able to determine the causes of tension and find a solution. " To be able to deal with stress effectively, you need to feel the power, you also need to feel that you're mentally strong. And exercise can do that, "says Cooper.

Will not make the exercise tension disappears, but will reduce the emotional momentum of the, drain your thoughts enabling you to deal with your problems more calmly.


There is a solution to any problem. "If I stayed passive, thinking, ' I can't do anything about my problem, tension will worsen," says Professor Cooper. "This feeling of loss of control is one of the main causes of stress and health."

The control itself is a matter of power, and is an essential part of the solution to your satisfaction you and not someone else. Read tips on how to organize your time.

3. connect with people

That problem you share become half the problem. Could alleviate a good support network consisting of colleagues, friends and family from the hassles of work and help you see things differently.

"If you don't communicate with people, you do not have the support to turn to when they need help," says Professor Cooper. Can help us our activities with friends to relax as we often laugh with them

, And an excellent alternative to stress.

"We also talk about some of the things with a friend also helps you find solutions to your problems," says Professor Cooper.

4. get special time

Means extra hours at work that people don't spend enough time doing the things you really enjoy. Professor Cooper adds, "we all need some time for social relationships, relax or practice sports."

And it is advisable to neglect things for two days to spend special time away from work. "Through these two days to yourself, you won't be tempted to do overtime in those days," says
-Challenge yourself

Help define your goals and challenges, both at work and outside, such as learning a new language or a new sport, build self-confidence. This will help turn on dealing with stress.

"The continuing challenge for yourself will be effective and take responsibility for your life," says Professor Cooper. "By continuing to learn, can be more flexible emotionally. As the arm you with the knowledge and makes you want to do things instead of being negative, such as watch tv all the time. "

6. avoid unhealthy habits

Don't rely on alcohol, smoking and caffeine as a way to overcome the problems. "Often more men than women have recourse to these things. We call this the behavior of tax evasion ", says Professor Cooper." Women are better than men in obtaining support from their circle of social. "

This will solve your crutches over the long term. But would create new problems only. "It's like putting your head in the sand," says Professor Cooper. "It may provide temporary relief but it won't make the problems disappear. You need to address the tension you have. "


Cooper says that the evidence shows that people who help others through activities such as volunteering or community work, become more flexible. " Phrases to help people who are often in the worst of situations your in put your problems into perspective, "says Professor Cooper. "The more you give, the more I felt flexible, happier."

On a more basic level, you can make known to someone every day. This can be known as the young help someone to cross the road or fetch coffee for co-workers. costs of doing nothing are known, and will make you feel better.

8. work smarter, and not by stress

Good organization of time means quality and not quantity. The culture of long hours due to unknown diseases work. "You have to get the balance between work and life is right for you," says Professor Cooper.

Working smarter means your priorities, focusing on tasks that make a real difference to your business. "Leave the less important tasks for later," says Cooper. "Accept that the task will be always filled basket. Don't expect it to be empty at the end of the day. "

9. be positive

Look for the positives in life, the things you feel thankful for. Then at the end of each day to write three things went well or made you feel appreciated.

"People are always going to have," says Professor Cooper. "Try to be who see the glass half full instead of half empty glass," he says.

This requires a shift in perspective for those who are pessimistic by nature.

"It can be done," he says. "Through cognitive effort you can train yourself to be more positive in life. Often the problems the issue of perspective. If you change your perspective of things you might see your point of view is more positive. "

10. accept the things you cannot ttghirha

The change is not a difficult situation is always possible. If so, you must acknowledge and accept things as they are and focus on the things you can control.

"If your company is experiencing loss and forced to spend, you can't do anything in this regard," says Professor Cooper. "There's no point to cope with the situation. In such a case, you need to focus on things you can control, such as looking for a new job. "

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