jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Benefits of cashew which perched on the throne of nuts

Many of us loves the nuts of all kinds but the cashew is one of the most important types of nuts, despite the high price, but it's really worth the higher price because of all the amazing benefits and also find, for example, it is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals needed for the body's natural workflow. The main source of unprocessed cashew is Brazil and moved to Portugal and then to India in the 16th century the cashew features it provides many health benefits to the body and you will learn about in this article.
Let's offer alikom 14 interest in cashews make you love it because:

1. prevent cancer weihimk:
Cashew contains the Proanthocyanidins are a class of compounds alflavonol fight for cancer cells and prevent them from splitting, and albrwanthosianidins compounds and high copper content in cashews helps to fight cancer cells and prevent colon cancer, fight free radicals, and this is one of the main benefits of cashews.

2. improve heart health:
Cashew nuts contain a low percentage of fat compared to other nuts contain fat in the form of oleic acid which is a polyunsaturated fat found in olive oil is very healthy for the cardiovascular system by helping to reduce levels of triglycerides, cholesterol-free and cashews antioxidants that protect you from heart disease.

3. lower high blood pressure:
Cashew helps lower blood pressure because it contains magnesium, which play a major role in improving blood pressure.

4. improve the appearance of hair:
Cashew contains copper which improves the appearance of the hair to get a dark black colour, so eat cashews helps in getting black hair you want, through the presence of alterozinase enzyme that converts tyrosine to melanin, the pigment that gives skin and hair color.

5. maintaining healthy bones:
Cashew nuts are rich in magnesium are very helpful to bone where it helps build bones and precipitation on surface of the bone, where it is stored for use when needed, and copper found in cashew has a vital function helps to stimulate enzymes that combine the collagen and elastin, and provide materials that help bone strength and joint flexibility.

6. maintaining healthy nerves:
Magnesium is stored on the surface of calcium in the bones, which prevents entry into neurons, and thus maintain the blood vessels and muscles in relaxed state.

7. to prevent the formation of gallstones:
Daily consumption of cashew nuts can reduce the risk of gallstones by 25%.

8. helps with weight loss:
Although the cashew nuts contain fat it contains only the good cholesterol, contrary to popular belief, those who ate nuts at least twice a week to lose more weight compared with those who ate less.

9. an antioxidant:
Selenium, copper and magnesium found in cashews serves as catalysts for many enzymes.
10. Helps digestion:
Cashews, nuts help improve digestive functions of digestion and acid secretions in the stomach woamtsas food.

11. source of vitamins:
Cashew nuts are rich in vitamins like riboflavin, Pantothenic acid, thiamin, niacin, and vitamins to prevent anaemia and iron deficiency anemia.

12. helpful for Healthy gums and teeth:
As mentioned before, the magnesium content located in the cashew is very beneficial to bones, and so it makes teeth healthy and protects the gums.

13. assistance to sleep:
After menopause, the main symptoms that occur are insomnia, sleep disorder, but the cashew is very useful because it helps to sleep comfortable at night.

14. Elimination of free radicals:
Cashew helps the body utilize iron correctly and eliminating free radicals that cause serious health problems.

Now that you know the health benefits of nuts and especially cashews, make sure you eat the little cashew once every week to take advantage of its benefits.

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