jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Causes and treatment of neck pain exercise fast

Are neck pain is a common complaint where the neck muscles are weak and cause severe pain, both while sitting on your computer at work or sitting on the Workbench at home, arthritis is a common cause of neck pain. Rarely symptoms of neck pain is a serious problem, but you should consult your doctor if neck pain is accompanied by numbness or pain in the arms or hands or if you suffer from pain in the shoulder or down the arm. Here's how I taalh neck
We will today view the causes and treatment of neck pain:
Causes of neck pain:

Neck pain can result from a variety of causes, including:
1. muscle fatigue: continue many hours driving seat curve often leads to muscle fatigue and even simple things like reading in bed can cause stress to the neck muscles as well as sleeping on pillow incorrectly
2. weak joints: just like all the joints of the body, the neck joints tend to be weak with age and can cause brittle bones in the neck.
3. nerve compression: sliding disc or bone spurs in the neck vertebrae can cause pressure on nerves that branch out from the spinal cord.
4. injury: auto collision often leads to injuries to the neck, stretching the soft tissues of the neck and its environs.
5. disease: can sometimes be the cause of neck pain diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, meningitis or cancer.

Lifestyle and home remedies:
Self-care can be followed at home to relieve neck pain include:
1. eat painkillers: care to address pain relievers, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and acetaminophen because it contains anti inflammation which eases the pain a little.
2. warm or cold compresses: reduce inflammation by placing cold compresses such as an ice pack or ice wrapped in a towel on the subject of pain from the neck for up to 20 minutes several times a day. Or take a warm shower and use a heating pad on the place of pain as the heat helps to relax the muscles, but sometimes worsens the inflammation must be used with caution.
3. comfort: lie from time to time during the day to rest your neck, but you should avoid lying down too much because it can cause drowsiness and an increase in the stiffness of the muscles of the neck.
4. the movement of the neck: gently move your neck on one side for 30 seconds, and repeat in all directions as it helps relieve some pain.
Exercises for neck pain treatment and mitigation:

Muscles and joints in the neck can be controlled through rotation movements and does not install the header in the static mode for a period of time as this can cause muscle weakness and compression of the vertebrae of the neck, which have an indirect impact on all parts of the back and spine and neck, causing pain and discomfort. With some simple exercises described below will help you to maintain the strength of the neck and spine control pain in the neck area.

Notes on exercise:
You must perform each movement slowly repeat five times for each transaction, you'll rest briefly between each set of transactions if any of these exercises make you feel uncomfortable or dizzy you have to reduce the number of times to repeat them.

1. cervical spine: exercise
Cervical spine (is part of the spine in the neck) controls the head balance and protects the nerves of the head to the rest of the body, so that the average human head weighs 4.6 kg (10-12 lbs) and is the same as the weight of a small bowling ball, so the neck vertebrae are under considerable pressure, especially when standing for long periods, where she directs the head forward slightly away from the spine, which means that the neck muscles must work continuously to achieve balance with the weight of the head.

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2. rotation of the head:
Rotation of the head to one side so that it cannot roll over it, and leave it a while and then head back to the center point, rest awhile, then head to the opposite side.
. Drape neck stretched:
Bending the head forward until Chin touches the chest and eyes look directly to the bottom of the Earth, and hold this position a little and then rest for a moment, then bend back but back until the eyes look directly to the ceiling.

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4. return the neck backwards:
Returns the head back and Chin down little guidance, this exercise counteracts natural tendency llrask of distance.

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5. bend and extend side:
Redirect head forward and guide the ear down towards shoulder to one side until you feel betmtd along the other side of the neck, and then returns the head to the Center and the rest for a moment, and then move the head the same way on the other side.

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Ways to prevent neck pain:

Most neck pain is associated with age, and to help prevent neck pain should maintain the balance of the spine head against gravity, some simple changes in daily routines can help reduce the problems of neck pain:

Take breaks if you sit for long periods of time on the computer, and put the head back on the spine, to reduce the vulnerability of the neck vertebrae.
Adjust the Office Chair computer at the same eye level, and must sit correctly on the Chair using the palm rest chair to develop arms and ease the load on the neck.
Avoid installing the phone between ear and shoulder when talking, especially if you use the phone a lot, but you have to replace it with the headset.
Rest period if you work at a desk for long, as you move your muscles by moving the shoulders up and down, and pull the shoulder blades together and then relax, pull your shoulders down and tilting the head on each side for stretching the muscles of the neck.
To achieve the basic balance you'll extend the chest wall muscles and strengthening the muscles around the shoulder and back to enhance balance support neck.
Avoid sleeping on the stomach because this causes compression of the neck, and you choose a pillow that supports the natural curve of the neck.

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