jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Secrets of cortisone in overweight

Cortisone is a hormone factory resembles a hormone produced by the adrenal gland in the human body, cortisol, a steroid medications are available in several forms, including what has been given as topical treatment to affect a specific position (e.g. eye drops or ear, skin creams, steroid injections that give joints, cortisone sprays), and characterized by their impact confined to Member without affecting the rest of the body so the attendant side effects less.

And which gives as a treatment to affect various body parts such as pills that are taken by mouth, injection or intravenous, or intramuscular injection, where you move through the bloodstream to different body sites, and generally used if the situation called for a more intensive treatment or more widespread or in case of failure of topical treatments.

How does cortisone:

Cortisone works to reduce inflammation and relieve the activity of the immune system.

When the inflammation, the body secretes chemicals from white blood cells protect the body from foreign objects like bacteria and viruses produce symptoms of inflammation such as redness, swelling, pain, and warmth of the infected area. However, in some cases, the immune system is not working correctly, this is the secretion of chemicals without the presence of foreign objects and for longer periods than usual, which affects the tissues of the body, causing damage to body tissues.

Cortisone works to reduce the secretion of these chemicals and therefore reduces damage to tissues, and corticosteroids inhibit the work of the immune system.

Does cortisone therapy is necessary:

If cortisone is described by the doctor, it is necessary to adhere to the instructions of your doctor.

When there is inflammation of the damaged limb threatening or in some critical cases, corticosteroids play a major role in rescuing the body and protect it from damage and save the patient's life, for example the evolution of kidney inflammation may lead to kidney failure in some cases, therefore, the use of corticosteroids in such cases could reduce the need for dialysis, and in some cases serious allergy to corticosteroids is saving treatment for the patient.

It also has a role in relieving pain and multiple sclerosis in people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and dramatically reduces breathing difficulties and asthma attacks in patients with asthma.

Adopts the risk increase in weight when using steroids on the duration of medication, dosage, method of treatment, lower the dose and duration of treatment effect was less, and less risk considerably if using topical treatments.

Why weight gain when cortisone therapy:

Than cortisone of appetite and increased eating leads to weight gain.

On the other hand, cortisone can cause water retention or fluid in the body, swelling, and may spur rally abdominal fat and the face and neck.

Also, the health condition that affects movement, making weight gain is easier with the lack of movement.

How to maintain weight during treatment with cortisone:

As with all diets for weight reduction, burn and reduce calories is key, so the person needs to alleviate calories (although increased appetite during this period) and exercise.

If you've recently started taking cortisone, watch the food and try not to increase the quantities of food for what you eat often, if so did you reduce weight gain.

No diet is better than the other, but there are rules that all successful diets, here are some tips to help you get the perfect weight by eating cortisone:

• Healthy food decisions: choosing healthy food includes fruits and vegetables away from foods almlaeh fat.

• Exercise alone is not enough to get rid of excess weight, but it helps you control your weight, exercise daily, llgdolk for example: choose to walk instead of driving short distances, use stairs instead of waiting for the elevator, do not deny that the exercise may be difficult due to the medical condition that she send for you to deal with cortisone, but physical activity is better than none.

• Start exercising gradually, considerable effort is made from scratch, choose a type of exercise to do 3 times a week for 15 minutes in the first week, and then add an extra day and 5 extra minutes each week until you reach 5-6 times a week for 30 minutes.

• Place the food table and committed, when taking steroids if you eat whenever you feel hungry you will find yourself eat constantly all the time. Recalled that the lowest level of the recommended calorie is 1200 calories for females and 1500 calories.

• Keep your notebook without it everything eat during the day.

• Keep a list of your needs before you go shopping and use when shopping, you won't buy what they don't need to eat.

• Avoid foods containing large amounts of sodium, such as fast food, alcbs, canned foods, because sodium increases fluid retention in your body, if not dealt with more than 2400 mg of sodium that helps your body to no excess body fluid retention (salt is a source of sodium).

• Increase potassium intake can fight fluid retention in the body, to choose foods containing potassium (such as baked potato, banana, dates, grapefruit, milk, oranges, raisins, cooked tomatoes, tomato juice) will reduce fluid retention, in addition, these foods are healthy snacks and collateral calories.
• Divide your number of meals food more, less, it helps you a feeling of fullness and satiety for longer, eating 5-6 small meals per day, which helps you keep your blood sugar level stable and thus reduces the cravings for food. Which can be powerful when taking steroids.

• Eat more proteins, food containing proteins such as milk, chicken, fish and soy makes you feel fullness and satiety for longer.

• Some patients need for diet like Atkins diet low salt, or may need some dietary supplements such as calcium or potassium, discuss with your doctor or dietician this.

• Avoid sugary foods and fatty, sugary foods are digested (sweets) quickly which makes you feel hungry fast. Fatty foods, they must be reduced because they contain fewer calories per gram hararaih twice the calories per gram of carbohydrates and proteins.

• Choose grain helps you feel fuller, such as brown rice, oatmeal, popcorn and whole-wheat bread, these foods need longer to digest and keeps the blood sugar level more than refined grains (white bread).

• Drink loads of water equal to at least half of the weight, for example if you weigh 150 pounds, drink at least 75 ounces of water per day, to drink the amount of water a day helps the kidneys to get rid of salt (sodium) and excess fluid


Do not stop taking your medication without talking to your doctor, even if the medication cause you side effects such as weight gain but it's essential to your health, talk with your doctor is the best way to help you overcome these side effects by lowering the dosage or find suitable alternative medicines for your health.

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