Diarrhea usually occurs as a result of infection and transmission of infectious organisms such as:
– Virus like rotavirus, winter vomiting (norovirus or Norwalk virus), or hepatitis.
– A bacterium, such as e. coli, salmonella walshigla, (Clostridium), or cholera
– Parasitic organisms such as giardia and caused amoebiasis.
Length of diarrhea often depends on what causes diarrhea, for example, of the two-day, and norovirus rotavirus lasts between three to eight days, salmonella infections may last two to seven days and Giardia can tstmaradh weeks.
Other medical conditions:
There are a number of non-infectious medical conditions may cause diarrhea too. These include:
• Inability to digest certain foods, including lactose intolerance (difficulty digesting the kind of sugar found in dairy products). Celiac disease (intolerance to gluten in wheat and some other grains) and pancreatic problems, such as those resulting from cystic fibrosis, which interfere with the digestive material.
• Surgery to remove part of the intestine, bowel may not be able to absorb all the material erosion, this is referred to as the short bowel syndrome.
• Effects after surgery to remove the gallbladder. Increasing yellow in the colon may cause watery stool.
• Certain diseases of the endocrine system (hormones), including thyroid disease, diabetes, diseases of the adrenal gland, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
• Rare tumors (including colon), which produce allergens.
• In the intestine, which can lead to chronic diarrhea. If you have inflammatory bowel disease (e.g., ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease), you will have bouts of diarrhea.
• Of the intestinal wall in alretaj disease can lead to diarrhea, especially if they become infected and inflamed (diverticulitis)
• Irritable bowel syndrome, which can cause bouts of reciprocal of diarrhea and constipation.
• Bowel cancer produces a change in bowel habit, which can include diarrhea or rotation of diarrhea and constipation.
• Many medications can cause diarrhea. Some of the most common include antacids that contain magnesium, Digitalis, laxatives, diuretics, antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, cholesterol-lowering medications, lithium, theophylline, lifelong thyroid hormone.
• Radiation therapy for prostate cancer or cancer in the abdomen can damage the intestines and cause diarrhea.
Toxins such as pesticides, poisonous mushroom, and arsenic can cause diarrhea.
Excessive use of caffeine or alcohol can contribute to diarrhea.
Symptoms of diarrhea:
Increased frequency of bowel movements
Loose, watery stools
Urgent (need to go immediately)
Incontinence (leakage fecal)
Bloating and wind
Rectal pain
Lower abdominal pain or cramps
Nausea and vomiting
Spots of blood or mucus in stool
Anorexia, weight loss
Seek medical advice:
Seek medical advice if you suffer from diarrhea for more than three or four days, or if you are suffering from diarrhea with any of the following:
Blood in your stool
Bold black tar-like stools (but tell your doctor if you have taken more than a prescription, and which also can make stool appear darker than normal)
The presence of mucus with feces.
Pain in the abdomen.
Rectal pain.
The presence of fever
Travel abroad
Consumption of seafood
Believe that you have food poisoning
Family members who have similar disease
Colleagues, close friends who have similar symptoms after eating in the same place.
How do you know that you suffer from diarrhea:
The most important tool for your doctor to diagnose the cause of diarrhea is the information you provide. You will need to inform your doctor about recent travel and whether other people in your family suffering from the same symptoms. Provide details about the stool may be embarrassing for you, but very important, such as blood or mucus is watery and if you are also facing severe urgency, abdominal pain, or pain in the rectum; and whether it happens often after eating certain foods.
Your doctor may request a sample of feces, and can be sent to a lab for examination. If your doctor suspects in certain food intolerances, the doctor may ask you to avoid a particular type of food for some time to see if this helps to stop diarrhea. If your doctor needs more information to make a diagnosis, may need to undergo laparoscopic sigmoid, a rectal examination and the lower part of the colon with a lighted instrument-like tube, or colonoscopy, a screening of the entire colon with a similar tube.
Treatment of diarrhea:
The most important aspect of treatment of diarrhea depends on avoiding dehydration and replace lost fluids. Because plain water does not contain sugar, sodium and potassium, which also lost in diarrhea, it is important to consume plenty of fluids which contain these substances. Examples of appropriate beverages include water, or chicken soup or beef soup. Fruit juice or soft drinks can make diarrhea more especially in children.
Tips during treatment of diarrhea:
If you diarrhea accompanied by vomiting, you should try to take small quantities of liquids every 15 minutes. And continue to drink fluids and soft foods is diet. You may be required to avoid fats and sweets, coffee and dairy products even wipe out diarrhea.
The use of antiretroviral medicines for diarrhea: effective drugs such as ciprofloxacin, which works by slowing the movement of the muscles in the gut, and are available on prescription for adults and children over 12. This medication should not be used if breastfeeding is natural.
Seek medical advice before using antiretroviral medicines for diarrhea if there is blood in the stool, high temperature or other symptoms, and in case of serious or continuous diarrhea in children under the age of 12.
In acute diarrhea caused by infectious bacteria, your doctor has advised antibiotics to help resolve the symptoms. However, antibiotics do not treat viral diarrhea sufferers, and is the most common type of infectious diarrhea.
الإسهال هو ان الشخص يعاني من البراز المائي 3 مرات او اكثر في اليوم الواحد ، أو ما هو أكثر من المعتاد لذلك الشخص. قد يترافق مع الحمى أو آلام في المعدة. عادة المريض سوف يشعر بالضعف وقد يواجه فقدان الشهية ، قد يصاحبة القيء ، وآلام وتقلصات في المعدة أو في منطقة البطن وفي الحالات المزمنة الشديدة يحدث فقدان للوزن - See more at:
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