jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and methods of protection

The problem of IBS is a common disorder that affects the large intestine (colon) and usually cause cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation, and is a chronic condition and need long-term treatment. Although the signs and symptoms of IBS differ from ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease which are inflammatory bowel disease, but it can increase the risk of cancer of the colon and rectum. A few people suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and have severe signs and symptoms, but some people can control the symptoms by controlling diet and lifestyle, while others require medication and medical advice.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can vary from person to person, often similar to those of other diseases, and the most common symptoms are:
Abdominal pain and cramping
• Sense of inflation
• Diarrhea or constipation alternating spells sometimes from constipation and diarrhea
Mucus in stool
For most people, the irritable bowel syndrome have a chronic condition, although it is likely that there will be times where signs and symptoms are bad or disappear completely.

When you visit the doctor:
United States 1 of 5 adults has signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, many of whom have symptoms that require medical help, and if any important changes in abnormal bowel, it could indicate a more serious condition such as cancer of the colon, so you should visit your doctor immediately.
Symptoms that may indicate a more serious condition include the following:

Rectal bleeding
Abdominal pain increases at night
Weight loss
Your doctor may be able to help you find ways to relieve symptoms as well as exclude certain colon diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer, your doctor can help you avoid possible complications such as chronic diarrhea.

I don't know exactly what causes irritable bowel syndrome, but a variety of factors play a role, where the intestinal walls are lined with layers of muscles which contract and relax in rhythm as they move Coordinator of food from the stomach through the small intestine to the rectum.
If you have irritable bowel syndrome, contractions may be stronger and last longer than usual, which causes gas, bloating, diarrhea, or vice versa, with poor intestinal contractions slowed down passage of food which leads to constipation.

Some triggers that vary from one person to another, can lead to symptoms of IBS, but not everyone is suffering from this situation and respond to the same stimuli and common causes include the following:
1. food: food allergies can cause irritable bowel syndrome, where there are many people who develop more severe symptoms when they eat certain things. There is a wide range of foods that cause it: chocolate, spices and fat, fruits and legumes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, milk and soft drinks.
2. stress: most people who suffer from IBS symptoms of stress, anxiety, tension, as well as daily stress may exacerbate the symptoms.
3. hormones: women are more prone to irritable bowel syndrome, and researchers believe that hormonal changes play a big role in this case, where you'll find many women appear to have signs and symptoms during menstrual periods.
4. other diseases: diseases such as inflammation of the stomach and intestines can lead to IBS.

Risk factors:
Many people have the signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, but there are people who are more likely to:
• Young people under the age of 45 years.
• Family history of irritable bowel syndrome, where studies indicate that persons in their family members suffer from this problem are more susceptible to infection.
• A mental health problem and, like anxiety, depression, and personality disorder.

Diarrhea constipation irritable bowel syndrome signs, so can cause hemorrhoids, and in addition, if you avoid certain foods, you may not get enough of the nutrients you need, leading to malnutrition.
The most common complication occurring due to irritable bowel syndrome that leads to frustration or depression and mental disorder.

Preparing for your appointment with the doctor:
You must make an appointment with your doctor if you have IBS symptoms, your doctor may refer you to a specialist in digestive disorders (stomach and intestines) to test more widely.

What you can do:
Write any symptoms experienced, so memorable even if symptoms are not related to the digestive system.
Write personal information, including any recent changes or stressors in your life, these factors play a major role on the severity of the symptoms.
Make a list of the basic medical information, including any health problem suffered by, any medications, vitamins and supplements you eat.
Find a family member or friend who can come with you to the examination, if possible, that the person who walks you can helps you remember what you want news by the doctor.
Write the questions you want to ask your doctor, and these questions:
What is irritable bowel syndrome?
What are the reasons that lead to irritable bowel syndrome?
What diagnostic tests do you need?
What is the best treatment for this condition?
Are there any side effects of these treatments?
Are there any changes in the lifestyle, can help to reduce symptoms?
I have other health conditions, how do I treat them together?
Does the situation of chronic is considered?
How do you expect until I improve with treatment and self-care?
In addition to these questions you want to ask anything else feel.

What to expect from the doctor:
Is likely to ask you doctor answers a number of questions, it is better to be ready to respond to short time, these questions as follows:
What are the symptoms that you are experiencing?
When I started to notice these symptoms?
Do the symptoms come and go or persist?
Have you tried losing weight?
Have you noticed any blood in the stool?
Are the signs and symptoms of vomiting?
Are the signs and symptoms of a fever?
What is the normal daily diet?
Have you ever been diagnosed you suffer from food allergies or lactose intolerance?
What medications you are taking, including vitamins, herbs and supplements?
Do you have any family history of disorders of the intestine or colon cancer?

Tests and diagnosis:
Diagnosing irritable bowel syndrome depends largely on the full medical history and physical examination
Diagnostic criteria:
There are several physical markers for the diagnosis of IBS, and diagnostic criteria include:
The Rome criteria:
According to these standards, you must have some signs and symptoms before the doctor diagnosed you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, most notably abdominal pain and discomfort that lasts at least three days a month and the difficulty in defecation, a change in the consistency of the stool.
Harasih standards:
These standards focus on pain during defecation, presence of incomplete bowel movements, and mucus in the stool, changes in the strength of stool, if all these symptoms there is high probability of infection with irritable bowel syndrome.

Some signs and symptoms that indicate the need for additional testing:
• After age 50
Weight loss
Rectal bleeding
Nausea or vomiting frequent
Abdominal pain, especially night time
Persistent diarrhoea that wake you from sleep
• Anemia which is caused by low iron

Additional tests:
You may be asked your doctor tests such as stool analysis to make sure injury or problems in the intestine absorption capacity, and can undergo a number of tests to rule out other causes.

Imaging tests:
1. flexible sigmoidoscopy:
This test relies on the examination of the lower part of the colon using a glittery tube (binoculars Sene).
2. Colonoscopy:
In some cases, especially if age 50 or older or have other signs of possibly more serious condition, your doctor may diagnostic test in which a small flexible tube is used to examine the length of the colon
3. x-ray (radiography):
Sometimes doctors use x-rays to get a picture of the colon.
4. computerized tomography (CT) scan:
CT produces x-ray images of internal organs, and the CT scan abdomen and pelvis may help in diagnosis of the doctor.
5. smooth bowel: in this test of the large intestine is filled with fluid (barium) and follow its movement through the x-ray.

Laboratory tests:
1. test for lactose intolerance:
Lactase is an enzyme produced by the body to digest sugar found in dairy products, and if this enzyme is produced, there may be problems lead to irritable bowel syndrome, and also include abdominal pain and diarrhea and gas, and to see if this is the cause of your symptoms, the doctor may ask you to perform a breath test or ask you to avoid milk and dairy products from the diet for several weeks.
2. breathing tests:
Your doctor may perform a breath test to check if an overgrowth of bacterial growth, leading to the transmission of bacteria from the colon to the small intestine, resulting in bloating and abdominal pain and diarrhea, and this kind more common among people who have undergone bowel surgery or who have diabetes or other diseases that slow down digestion.
3. blood tests:
Celiac disease and is allergic to wheat and barley which lead to signs and symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome, and blood tests can help eliminate this disorder, and children who suffer from IBS have greater risk for celiac disease, and if you doubt the doctor that you have celiac disease, making the upper endoscopy for a swab from the small intestine.
4. fecal tests:
If you suffer from chronic diarrhea, doctors may check stool for bacteria or parasites.

Treatments and medications:
It is not clear what causes irritable bowel syndrome, treatment focuses on relieving the symptoms so you can live as normal as possible.
In most cases, you can control the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome by controlling stress and changes in diet and lifestyle, and also try to avoid foods that cause symptoms, drink plenty of fluids and getting enough sleep.

Dietary changes:
1. avoid foods that cause gas, such as beans, if they suffer from alanvakh repeatedly, your doctor asks you to eat some food, such as vegetables, especially cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower – fresh fruit and drink soft drinks.
2. eliminate gluten, where research has shown that people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome depends have diarrhea if they stopped eating gluten (wheat and barley).

1. fiber supplements: fiber supplementation, such as methyl alsellum or with liquids may help control constipation, fiber is obtained from food, if no improvement, the doctor may prescribe a laxative such as milk of magnesia or polyethylene glycol.
Medicines for diarrhea: excessive intake of drugs such as ciprofloxacin can help fight diarrhea, and some medicines such as alkolstramine, wekolistibol, and colesevelam can lead to bloating.
3. choline and antispasmodic medications: these medicines such as hiosiamin wedisiklomin, can help alleviate painful bowel spasms, and is sometimes used for people suffering from bouts of diarrhea, but can aggravate constipation can lead to other symptoms, such as difficulty urinating.

4. antidepressant medications: If you suffer from symptoms of pain or depression, the doctor prescribe medication for depression or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), and these medications help relieve depression and also prevent the activity of the neurons that control the bowel.
5. antibiotics: some of the symptoms are the result of an overgrowth of bacteria in the intestine and require treatment with antibiotics.

Lifestyle and home remedies:
In many cases, some simple changes in diet and lifestyle can help to treat IBS symptoms, although the body may not respond immediately to these changes, but the treatment is long and not temporary, solutions are:
1. fiber: If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, fiber helps reduce constipation, but can cause gas and cramps, so the best treatment that is reducing the amount of fiber in the diet over weeks, and examples of foods that contain fiber: whole grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes, and if signs and symptoms are still the same it is better to tell your doctor.
Instead of eating fiber cause gas and bloating, fiber supplements can be taken but you should drink plenty of water each day to reduce gas and bloating and constipation.
2. foods to avoid the problem, if there are certain foods that make symptoms worse you should avoid addressed, and these foods are chocolate and caffeinated beverages such as coffee, soft drinks, and medicines that contain caffeine, dairy, and sugar-free sweeteners such as sorbitol or mannitol.
3. If the gas problem for you, the foods that may make symptoms worse include beans, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and fatty foods may also be a problem for some people, as well as chewing gum leads to swallow air, which causes more of the gases.
4. eat at regular times, and not to skip meals, try eating at about the same time each day to help regulate bowel function, and if you suffer from diarrhea, eating small meals feel better, but if you suffer from constipation, eat more foods rich in fiber, which helps to move food through the intestines.
5. If you suffer from lactose intolerance, you should replace the milk with other products or using enzyme product to help digest lactose, as well as the consumption of small amounts of dairy products or combined with other foods may also help in some cases.
6. exercise regularly: exercise helps relieve depression and anxiety, and stimulate the natural contractions of the intestines, which also helps you to feel better, and if you have other medical problems, you should consult a doctor before starting any program.
7. the use of antiviral medications for diarrhea: anti-viral medication can diarrhea, and use a lower dose by eating 20 to 30 minutes, especially if you know that the food planned for likely to cause diarrhea.
In the long term, these medicines can cause problems if not used correctly, and if you have any questions about this medicine, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Alternative medicine:
Non-traditional treatments may help relieve symptoms of IBS:
1. Acupuncture: researchers found that acupuncture helps improve IBS symptoms.
2. herbs: Mint is one of the herbs anti spasticity which relaxes the smooth muscles in the intestine, whereas Spearmint helps cure irritable and can take supplements available in pharmacies, mint and you'll see your doctor to make sure they won't interact or interfere with other medications.
3. hypnosis: hypnosis may reduce abdominal pain and bloating, helps relax and relax the abdominal muscles.
4. Probiotics: Probiotics are good bacteria that live in the intestine and are found in certain foods such as yogurt and dietary supplements, it is proposed that if suffering from irritable, it might not have enough good bacteria, so you should add probiotics to help relieve symptoms.
Recent studies suggest that probiotics may relieve IBS symptoms, such as abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea.
5. exercise, yoga, massage, and meditation: all these can be useful ways to relieve stress, and you can take classes in yoga and meditation at home using books or videos.

Coping and support:
Living with irritable bowel syndrome are vulnerable to a number of daily challenges that may be painful or embarrassing, it can have a serious impact on your life, and these suggestions may help you cope more easily:
1. find out lots of information about irritable bowel syndrome: talk to your doctor and find additional information from the Internet from reliable sources such as the national institutes of health, read the books and pamphlets.
2. identify the factors that lead to the incidence of irritable bowel syndrome: this is a major step to control irritable bowel syndrome

Prevention of IBS:
Any person suffering gastrointestinal disorder that is worried, but if you have irritable bowel syndrome, it leads to problems associated with stress, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and there are many ways you can help prevent or relieve symptoms:
1. get advice: in some cases, the psychotherapist can help you reduce stress by looking at how to respond to events and then work to solve any problem you experience.
2. biofeedback: this technique to reduce stress can help you relieve tension in your muscles and slow the heart rate.
3. progressive relaxation exercises: these exercises will help you relax the muscles in your body, and start by tightening the muscles in your feet, and then focus on getting rid of tensions, and maintaining the relaxed muscles of the body, including the eyes and head.
4. deep breathing: breathing slowly to keep relaxed the muscles of the diaphragm
5. the training of the mind: this technology helps reduce the tension that helps you get rid of worries and depression.
6. other techniques: reading, playing computer games or relax in a warm bath

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