jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Treating high temperature in children

Fever in children
A fever is a temperature of more than 37.5 degrees Celsius. This is very common in young children and are usually mild.

If you feel that your child is hot when you touch or red or red may be infected with the virus. You can check the temperature by using a thermometer. When measured under the arm, the natural temperature of about 36.4 ° c (97.4 degrees Fahrenheit). When measured under the tongue, the natural temperature slightly higher, approximately 37 degrees Centigrade (98.4 ° f). This may vary slightly.

Talk to your doctor if you are worried. If the clinic is closed, talk to a doctor service outside the usual time. If you still feel anxious, or did not come with your doctor or physician service outside the usual time with sufficient speed, take your child directly to the accident and Emergency Department at your nearest hospital.

Call your doctor or health visitor, trainee or awalmrdah General nurse if:

• Your child has signs of disease, in addition to high temperature

• Your baby's temperature was 38 ° c (101 f) or higher (if aged less than three months), or

• Your baby's temperature was 39 degrees (102 p) or higher (if aged between three to six months)

If the doctor was unable to determine the cause of the overheating, then you may be required to collect a sample of urine in a sterile tray, thus able to test for the disease.

How to treat fever

It is important that your child drinks plenty of fluids. Even if your child is dying for a little drink made him try repeatedly to maintain fluid levels. Do you feed him only if he wanted it.

Fix discomfort and fever using paracetamol or ibuprofen (follow the dose instructions always carefully).

The following suggestions may help your child feel more comfortable:

• Give your child plenty of liquids and cold.

• Strip off his clothes and leave the nappy or inner shirt and shorts.

• Cover with a thin cover if necessary.

• Keep the room well ventilated and temperature (about 18 degrees (65 f) by modifying heating or open window.
If your baby or try to give satisfied Microbe paracetamol or ibuprofen. you can't give two at a time

The same, but if that doesn't work, one may need to try another type later. Always check the instructions on the bottle or canister to figure out the right dosage for your child's age.

If you have a thermometer, to measure your baby's temperature under the armpit. Call your doctor or the doctor service out of service time if your baby's temperature above 40-41 ° c (104-105 ° f), or if your child continues to feel the fever.
Types of thermometers
Digital thermometer. Digital thermometer is quick to use and accurate, and you can use underarm (armpit temperature scales used always with children under 5 years of age). Thbti your child's arm against his body and leave the thermometer in place for the time period specified in the manufacturer's instructions.

Thermometer promissory note (or tympanic). The thermometer is placed promissory note in the child's ear. And taking the temperature of a child in the second one without disturbing the baby, but expensive. May promissory note thermometer gives readings low when not placed correctly in the ear, so read the manufacturer's instructions carefully and learn with how the thermometer (this applies to all types of thermometers).

Thermometer bar. And you put on your child's forehead, but no accurate means to measure temperature. It shows the temperature of the skin, not the body.

Mercury thermometer in a glass theme. Never used mercury in glass thermometers in hospitals for several years and no longer available for purchase. Where can break, and launches a small glass fragments and mercury is highly toxic. Do not use mercury thermometers. If your child's exposure to mercury, get medical advice immediately.

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