lundi 16 novembre 2015


Le virus Ebola appartient à la famille des filovirus, qui regroupe des virus à l'apparence filamenteuse caractéristique. Des chauves-souris frugivores de la famille des ptéropodidés constituent vraisemblablement le réservoir naturel du virus, mais d'autres mammifères peuvent être infectés. Chez l'homme et les autres primates, il provoque la maladie à virus Ebola, et a causé plusieurs épidémies. Cette maladie, pour laquelle il n'existe pas de traitement homologué, présente un taux de létalité allant de 25 % à 90 % chez l'humain3 ; l'épidémie sévissant en Afrique de l'Ouest affichait ainsi une létalité de 39,5 % au 8 novembre 2015 (11 314 morts sur 28 635 cas recensés4). La transmission entre humains a lieu avant tout par contact direct avec des fluides corporels.
Particulièrement dangereux, ce virus ne doit être manipulé qu'au sein de laboratoires P4 (ou BSL-4), conçus pour prévenir les risques de contamination par accident ou à la suite d'actes de malveillance (bioterrorisme).

Le virus Ebola appartient au genre Ebolavirus de la famille des filovirus, à laquelle appartient également le virus Marburg.
On connaît cinq virus distincts5,7, que l'ICTV rattache chacun à l'une des cinq espèces du genre Ebolavirus. Cependant, la taxinomie des filovirus est récente et continue d'évoluer au gré des avancées phylogénétiques, d'où une relative confusion entre les différentes dénominations retenues selon les auteurs8. Un usage bien ancré dans les laboratoires fait du virus Ebola une désignation synonyme du genre Ebolavirus décliné en cinq sous-types de virus9,10, tandis que la nomenclature adoptée par l'ICTV, faisant du virus Ebola le virus de l'espèce type du genre Ebolavirus, n'a pas encore été ratifiée.
Le nom des espèces virales validé par l'ICTV a sensiblement évolué depuis l'identification de ces virus11,12,13,14,15,16. On distingue :
  • le virus Ebola proprement dit (EBOV), de l'espèce ebolavirus Zaïre (autrefois ZEBOV), ou sous-type Ebola Zaïre, identifié pour la première fois en 1976 au Zaïre17 (aujourd'hui République démocratique du Congo) — c'est le plus virulent des cinq virus, à l'origine de l'épidémie de 2014 en Afrique de l'Ouest18 ;
  • le virus Soudan (SUDV), de l'espèce ebolavirus Soudan (autrefois SEBOV), ou sous-type Ebola Soudan, endémique au Soudan du Sud et en Ouganda ;
  • le virus Reston (RESTV), de l'espèce ebolavirus Reston (autrefois REBOV), ou sous-type Ebola Reston, identifié en 1983 dans la région de Reston, aux États-Unis ;
  • le virus Forêt de Taï (TAFV), de l'espèce ebolavirus Forêt de Taï, autrefois ebolavirus Côte d'Ivoire (CIEBOV), ou sous-type Ebola Forêt de Taï (ou encore Ebola Côte d'Ivoire), identifié en 1994 dans le parc national de Taï, en Côte d'Ivoire, aux confins de la Guinée et du Libéria ;
  • le virus Bundibugyo (BDBV), de l'espèce ebolavirus Bundibugyo (autrefois BEBOV), ou sous-type Ebola Bundibugyo, identifié en 2008 dans la région de Bundibugyo, en Ouganda.
La nature pathogène des différents filovirus, qu'il s'agisse du genre Ebolavirus ou du genre Marburgvirus, est très semblable dans la mesure où ces virus ont tous été associés à des flambées de fièvres hémorragiques chez l'homme et les autres primates avec des symptômes identiques. Ils diffèrent en revanche du point de vue génétique, avec une séquence nucléotidique pouvant varier de 30 à 40 % d'une souche à l'autre, ce qui se traduit par une sévérité très différente entre les pathologies induites chez l'homme par ces différents virus — la létalité peut ainsi être nulle chez les humains pour le virus Reston, mais approcher 90 % pour le virus Ebola — bien que des facteurs environnementaux puissent également expliquer ces différences.
Le virus Reston a été isolé en 1989 chez des macaques crabiers aux Philippines. Présent également en Chine, il est moins pathogène chez les primates non humains et l'on pensait qu'il n'affectait pas les humains jusqu'à ce qu'on identifie une transmission du porc à l'homme en 2009.
Le virus Bundibugyo, découvert en 2008, s’apparente davantage au virus Forêt de Taï5, mais est plus virulent que ce dernier.

mercredi 11 novembre 2015

Vitamine B

Vitamin b is known as vitamin b or package and has many functions within the human body, it is beneficial for the nervous system and the immune system and energy production all the nutrients found in the vitamin b helpful. All these elements work together to maintain the health and vitality of the body. Also, vitamin b vitamins are soluble and therefore not retained by the body. It is therefore essential to eating enough vitamin b whether foods or supplements can get vitamin b through a variety of foods and beverages and you get the benefits of vitamin b aesthetic through use in masks

There are vitamins naturally in foods. Working on the production of energy and red blood cells in the body and there are about 13 species of vitamins that the body needs eight types of vitamin b.

Vitamin b group provides energy to the body where the body uses nutrients like carbohydrates, fats and proteins for energy. Vitamins also help the body to cell growth through the production of DNA
B vitamin in foods:

Although vitamins are found in many foods but it is soluble and can be easily lost when industrial foods reduce the amount of vitamin B12 in the body.

And overall body has a limited capacity to store vitamin b with the exception of folic acid (b-12), which is stored in the liver. A person who suffers from poor altghih may be caused by a lack of vitamin B12 in the body. For this reason prefer eating vitamin b regularly and nutritious.
Vitamin b food:

When the full set of vitamin b can offset the lack of vitamins. Sometimes taking vitamins incorrectly may be very harmful for preferred revision altibib or dietician.

There are eight types of vitamin b:

Pantothenic acid
Vitamin B6 (albiroidoksin)
Folic acid (folate)
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)


It is called vitamin B1 works to convert glucose into energy and has an important function of the nervous system.

Here's more information about thiamine:

There are important sources of vitamin B1 (thiamine) and include whole grains, legumes, nuts, yeast, meat, eggs, and flour.

Thiamin deficiency studies have shown that when a shortage of rice and egg in meals and leads to symptoms of confusion, irritability and weakness in the arm and leg and lethargy, fatigue and muscle weakness.

Thiamin deficiency affects cardiovascular health and muscle and digestive and nervous system in addition to the above symptoms of thiamine deficiency causes nerve damage and may cause heart attacks.

Thiamine deficiency may cause involuntary movements in the eyeball, eye muscle paralysis or cluttered my mind.

Riboflavin helps primarily on energy production, improve vision and healthy skin.

You can get riboflavin from milk, yogurt and cheese and bread made from whole grains, eggs, green leafy vegetables and meat walkbedh.

Riboflavin deficiency is usually due to not eating sufficient amounts of milk and cheese, and may appear on the tongue infections & red creases in the corners of the mouth and eyelids, inflamed allergies and hair loss and rashes.

A necessary component for converting carbohydrates and fats into energy and helps in getting healthy skin. And improve the health of the nervous system and digestive system.

You can get niacin from meat and fish and poultry, milk, eggs, nuts, mushrooms and all of these foods contain proteins too and good sources lniasin.

But when excessive intake of niacin may have the effect of drug on the nervous and blood lipids. And there may be side effects such as redness and itching, nausea and may lead to damage to the liver.

A shortage of niacin may be caused by eating a lot of articles that contain alcohol or food, which relies on corn.

One of the main symptoms of niacin dementia, diarrhea, skin infections and irritations and inflammations on the tongue, loss of appetite and weakness.
Pantothenic acid:

His role in carbohydrate and protein and taied fat plus it helps in production of red blood cells and steroidal hormones.

There are many sources of Pantothenic acid such as liver, meat, milk, eggs, yeast, peanuts and legumes.

Lack of Pantothenic acid to anorexia, fatigue, insomnia, constipation, vomiting and stomach disorders.
Vitamin B6 (albiroidoksin)

There is a need to albiroidoksin on metabolism of carbohydrate and the formation of red blood cells and the production of certain substances in the brain that can affect brain development and immune and hormone alstroid activity.

Sources for vitamin b-6 grains, legumes, green leafy vegetables, fish and oyster meat, poultry and fruit walkbedh.

Excessive intake of albiroidoksin may lead to damage to the body. And may lead to difficulty walking, numbness in hands and feet and when large doses of vitamin B6 leads to chronic nerve damage that is difficult to treat.

There is evidence that shows vitamin B6 is beneficial in the treatment of menstrual pain but preferred specific doses by extension which is with supplements because overdose leads to nerve damage.

Albiroidoksin deficiency in pregnant women or persons dealing with high alcohol or who suffer from thyroid disease may be vulnerable to lack of albiroidoksin.

Albiroidoksin deficiency symptoms include insomnia, depression, anemia, irritability, muscle twitching and spasms and inflammation of the skin
Folic acid:

Folic acid works on the formation of red blood cells that carries oxygen in the blood and also helps in the formation of the nervous system of the fetus as well as the formation of DNA. Therefore preferred for pregnant women eat a diet containing folic acid.

Using folic acid supplements as food supplements.

Folic acid sources include both green leafy vegetables and legumes, liver, poultry, eggs, cereals, citrus fruits and flour used in bread work all these good sources of folic acid.

Folic acid is generally non-toxic and when excessive eating i.e. addressing over 1000 mg per day continuously lead to irritability and sensitivity and sense of malaise and weakness.

Folic acid deficiency symptoms include weight loss, fatigue, weakness and anemia and abnormalities during pregnancy.
Vitamin B12:

Vitamin B12 helps to produce myelin in nerve cells and increases mental abilities and the formation of red blood cells and get rid of fatty acids and amino acids that produce energy. Yrtibet vitamin B12 folic acid very strong relationship.

There are several sources for vitamin B12 such as meat, milk, eggs and cheese, liver or anything of animal origin.

Usually older suffer vitamin B12 deficiency is found in animal source foods may cause vitamin B12 deficiency of children chronic anemia, fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, weight loss, depression and sometimes paralysis.
Remember these things:

Vitamin b group full of vitamins soluble in fat and is essential for metabolism.

Cannot store these vitamins should be consumed regularly.

It is important when diagnosing lack vitamins when specialist doctor because some vitamins when shortages are poisonous.
Benefits of vitamin b aesthetic when applied directly:

Recent benefits of vitamin b aesthetic. As many studies have demonstrated that vitamin b enters in many facial creams which can prevent signs of aging. In particular, a derivative of vitamin b niacin and NICOTINAMIDE are vitamins increase the beauty of your skin and keeps the moisture and make the skin softer and treated skin and reduce the appearance of lines, these vitamins are useful and effective. In 2003 there was a study by bibist et al. in the annual Conference of Dermatology demonstrated that when using vitamin b reduces the signs of aging on the skin.
Benefits of vitamin b aesthetics:

Improved vitamin b complex of healthy hair, skin and nails and dead skin cell damage and cell regeneration, which keeps the skin young. When vitamin b lead to skin dryness and inflammation of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles, acne and rashes and hair loss.
Benefits of vitamin b for healthy hair:

Serve foods that contain vitamin b to taied food to body hair and his all with what this specifically in the hair follicles. When vitamin b 1, b 2, b 3 and b 5 and b 6 leads to damage to hair follicles. Those who suffer from undernutrition leads to weak hair and difficult natural growth. because the lack of vitamin b-9 folic acid or lead to cessation of hair growth. And vitamin B7 (biotin) leads to hair loss. Vitamin B6 is used generally in improving scalp.
Benefits of vitamin b for healthy skin:

If you suffer from chronic skin diseases, or even just that your skin looks pale and unhealthy vitamin deficiency may be caused by b. Vitamin B12 helps regulate the production of hair and prevent excessive sabah pigmentation of hair. And when there are dark spots on the skin that uses vitamin B3 to improve skin health and the treatment of certain skin diseases. While vitamin b 5 to reduce the appearance of acne and reduce the production of triglycerides and cholesterol. University of Maryland said that vitamin b 5 reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and thus improves skin health indirectly helps vitamin B5 also heal wounds and become more effective when combined with vitamin c.
Vitamin B6 is beneficial to the health of a nail:

You need nails always to get a healthy diet to grow healthily. And nail problems such as fragile and pale nails easy cracker. There are many types of vitamin b useful for healthy nails and treating these problems such as vitamin B2 helps the absorption of iron, so it is important for healthy toenails. because the lack of iron works on weak nails and grow healthy. Vitamin b-12 is the magic key to healthy nails and nail rejuvenation.

You can buy vitamin b for his aesthetic benefits but are not recommended for use instead of diet supplements containing vitamin b and especially pregnant women prefer not only after consulting your doctor so there are no unhealthy reactions.

mardi 10 novembre 2015

Thyriod gland

The thyroid gland is one of the largest endocrine glands and consists of two lobes in the neck resembling in shape the uniqueness of butterfly wings below the thyroid cartilage), which is the emergence of the larynx or "Adam's Apple (and contain special cells located in cystic cells called linings, these cells are responsible for the secretion of thyroid hormones (thyroxine T4 and triiodothyronine T3) these hormones regulating growth, and many other systems in the body. The thyroid also produces alkalsitonin, which plays an important part in calcium balance. And regulates the production of thyroid hormones by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) produced by the anterior pituitary, which itself is organized for thyrotropin (TRH) produced by the hypothalamus. Offer you educate yourself on the site all about hypothyroidism and causes and treatment of hypothyroidism

Histological: gland on 20-30 million the follicle, called thyroid follicles composed of two types of cells: cells algribih, adjacent cells to the follicle.

Algribih cells: cells ranging in shape between simple columnar and similarity in installed mobile cells that produce, secrete, suck, or break the proteins in the basal side which contains a rough grid, qomi side which contains Golgi apparatus.

The neighboring follicle cells: and be bigger than its predecessor, and may be present between the algribih cells or in their own pools, features network hiolih invisible jagged small Golgi apparatus, as characterized by secretory granules which contain hormone; the cells responsible for the secretion of the hormone (calcitonin).

As for bursitis in General: they vary greatly in size and shape of the cells around them, ranging from small to large, and their cells may be squamous, cuboidal or columnar (minor gland activity when most cells with squamous shape) inside this sleeve there are gelatinous liquid composed of glycoprotein (TG) is called balghrwani (or colloid) surrounded the pouch with a dense network of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels almnovzah to allow large Exchange of materials between the blood and the Bursa.

Her job:
Thyroid gland contains cells secrete chemicals called hormones. Produces 2 of basic thyroid hormones (T4), triiodothyronine and thyroxine (T3), T4 is being produced are much larger amounts of T3

T3 is the hormone activity. T4, less active so most of T4 must be converted to T3 before it can be used by the body. This conversion occurs in certain organs) mainly in the liver (tissues, and extremely important to the overall functioning of the body.

These hormones act as chemical messages and provide guidance to various tissues and organs through the bloodstream, the thyroid gland is responsible for the speed of metabolism) metabolism and chemical processes (in our bodies, by affecting each cell systems and tissues and organs. thyroid is essential for life and growth and development.

Thyroid hormones affect body temperature and circulation, appetite, and energy levels, growth, and development of the skeleton, muscle, agility, and heart rate) and power output (and fluid balance, and blood sugar levels, the function of the central nervous system, bowel function, and fat in the blood) cholesterol (and regulation of metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in all cells.

Controls the amount of T3 and T4 produced by the thyroid gland of the pituitary gland at the base of the brain. Through the activation of thyroid hormone (TSH) levels of T3 T4 low, the pituitary gland secretes more TSH. When levels of T4 and T3, the pituitary gland secretes TSH is lower.
Causes of thyroid problems:
Several reasons lead to overgrowth in thyroid secretions include:

1. graves ' disease: a disease the immune system, and is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism.

2. adenomas: thyroid tumors increases the secretion of thyroid hormones, and prejudice the chemical balance in your body.

3. pituitary tumors or precancerous tumors in the thyroid gland. In rare cases, it can be also hyperthyroidism due to these reasons.

Causes of hypothyroidism include:

1. Hashimoto disease: a disease results from an autoimmune disorder, the body's immune system attacks the thyroid tissues, leading to low thyroid hormone.

2. remove the thyroid. The thyroid gland can be removed surgically or chemically destroyed as a treatment for hyperthyroidism.

3. exposure to excessive amounts of iodine: cold and sinus medicines, walamiodaron or some pigments that give before x-rays expose you to a lot of iodine. So it may be at greater risk for thyroid, especially if you have thyroid problems in the past.

4. lithium: this drug has to do with thyroid malfunction.

Hyper secretion of the thyroid:
Hyper thyroid secretion occurs when producing a lot of T4 and/or T3. Diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause of relieving symptoms and preventing complications. Make sure you tell your doctor if there is a family history of this condition causes:

1. graves ' disease (Graves ' Disease):
Named after the doctor who prescribed for the first time in more than 150 years, is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism is autoimmune disorder occurs when attacking the body's immune system mistakenly thyroid which leads to stimulate the production of the hormone responsible for regulating metabolism.
Hereditary disease can develop at any age when men or women, but is more common in women over the age of 20. Other risk factors include stress, pregnancy, and smoking.

Symptoms of graves ' disease:
With a high level of thyroid hormone in the blood, the body works quickly and cause symptoms that are common with hyperthyroidism. The symptoms are not specific, which means that they are common to other circumstances, and may include:
• Anxiety
• Irritability
• Fatigue
• Increased or irregular heartbeat
• Excessive sweating
• Difficulty sleeping
• Diarrhea or frequent bowel movements
• Irregular menstrual cycle
• Goiter

Eye symptoms
Bulging eyes
Red eyes
Swollen eyelids
Sensitivity to light
Ulcers, double vision, blurred vision (less common)
Redness and swelling of the skin

Diagnosis of graves ' disease:
There is a simple physical test can reveal goiter, or bulging eyes, signs of increased metabolism, including rapid pulse and high blood pressure. The doctor will also call for blood tests to check for high levels of thyroxine (T4) and low levels of thyroid hormone (TSH), both signs of graves ' disease. It can also be used radioactive iodine to measure iodine uptake by the thyroid and high absorption of iodine is a sign of graves ' disease.

Treatment of graves ' disease:
– There is no treatment to stop the immune system from attacking the thyroid gland. However, the symptoms of graves ' disease can be controlled, and often with a combination of treatments include heart medication, anxiety and sweating.

-Prescribed thyroid medications to prevent the thyroid from producing excessive amounts of the hormone. Often used radioactive iodine to destroy all or part of the thyroid and render it unable to produce thyroid hormone.

-Surgery to remove the thyroid is an option for patients who cannot afford antiretroviral drugs for thyroid or radioactive iodine.

If the disease is left untreated, it can lead to heart problems, osteoporosis. But early detection is a chore, because the disease responds well to treatment, and patients usually positive. If treated with surgery, there is very little risk to the vocal cords because of its proximity to the thyroid gland.
In most cases after surgical treatment, the patient will resort to hormone replacement system in medicine, especially if you remove all or part of the thyroid gland during surgery.

Other causes of hyper secretion of thyroid hormones:
Inflammation of the thyroid gland.
Tumors of the ovaries or testicles.
Benign tumors in the thyroid or pituitary gland.
Eating large amounts of triiodothyronine T4 quadrilateral (through supplements or medications)

What you can do at home to improve your symptoms:
– Get the right amount of calories and sodium and calcium during and after treatment is important.
-A diet with a lot of calories can lead to weight gain or obesity.
– Talk to your doctor and get healthy tips to your daily diet, supplements, and exercise.
— Overactive thyroid can also cause osteoporosis so you can take vitamin D and calcium during and after treatment to help strengthen bones.

Hypothyroidism occurs when less secretion of T4 and/or T3, is more common in women over age 50.
The most common cause is inflammation of the thyroid gland. Swelling and inflammation and damage thyroid cells.
The causes of this problem:
1. the immune system attacking the thyroid gland so called Hashimoto disease (Hashimoto's Disease):

Hashimoto's disease symptoms:
Mild cases of Hashimoto's disease often do not show recognizable symptoms, and the disease can remain stable for years. Symptoms are often subtle, and it is not defined, which means that they mimic symptoms of many other symptoms, including:
Weight gain
Dry skin and dry hair
Irregular menstrual cycle
Goiter (enlarged thyroid)

Tests and diagnosis of Hashimoto's disease:

Test the level of thyroid hormone (TSH) is often the first step when it detects any type of thyroid disorder. If the patient shows several of the above symptoms, the doctor may order a blood test to check TSH levels increase as well as decrease thyroid hormone levels (T3 or T4). Because Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune disorder, a blood test also reveals the presence of abnormal antibodies that can attack the thyroid gland.

Diagnosis and treatment of Hashimoto's disease:
There is no known cure for the disease of Hashimoto. However, medicines are often used to replace thyroid hormone, thus reducing the symptoms of the disease. In rare cases of goiter surgery may be necessary to remove part or all of the thyroid gland. The disease develops slowly and usually if detected at an early stage, it is stable for years, and it is treated easily using hormone replacement therapy.

Viral infections (colds) or other respiratory infections
Pregnancy (often called thyroid inflammation after birth)

lundi 9 novembre 2015

Beware of symptoms of anemia and iron deficiency

Iron is one of the most important and essential minerals needed for various body functions, including the transport of oxygen in the blood and the vulnerability of the body. So it must maintain balanced levels of iron in the body and in some cases may require taking supplements and yet many quantities of iron leads to poisoning and even death so no iron supplementation is recommended only after consulting your doctor and may cause the decrease of iron in anaemia infection

Iron deficiency common situations:

Iron deficiency is a common health problems and there is a group of people more vulnerable to the risk of iron deficiency women during menstruation, pregnant women, nursing mothers, young children. In case of lack of access to adequate quantity of iron and become insufficient quantities to meet the needs of the body will use the stored iron and that develops the lack of alanimiao in this case you should consult a doctor. Ways to increase the hemoglobin in blood
Causes of anaemia and iron deficiency:

There are some common causes for iron deficiency:

Lack of access to adequate quantity:

There are two types of iron, iron, heme iron. The body absorbs heme iron more easily than iron. So you get iron from foods food and a balanced diet.

Blood loss:

Iron deficiency happens easily in cases of chronic blood loss. Common causes include heavy menstrual periods, blood donation, nose bleeding, chronic disorders such as peptic ulcers, polyps or cancer of the large intestine or taking certain medications such as aspirin.

Situations need to get:

In certain cases the body needs to get iron, such as breastfeeding, pregnancy and if you get adequate amounts of body suffer iron deficiency.

Regular exercise:

In cases of regular exercise body suffer from iron deficiency, because strenuous strengthening the body's production of red blood cells, iron is lost through sweating. So athletes are advised to eat a diet rich in iron.
Symptoms of anemia and iron deficiency says you beware! :

Iron deficiency is the most common cases in the United States, and women are the most vulnerable to infection. Iron is an essential element for the production of hemoglobin, a protein that helps red blood cells to transport oxygen to all parts of the body. And eventually leads to anaemia. So you should check iron deficiency symptoms constantly can be observed through the signs that will show you

Feeling of fatigue and burnout:

One of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency is fatigue and remember Dr. Nancy Berliner, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Hematology that is always associated with fatigue and exhaustion with iron deficiency and iron deficiency leads to limited access of oxygen to the tissues and therefore lack energy and thereby lead to feeling tired and irritable, inability to concentrate, iron deficiency anaemia cases.

Suffer from menorrhagia:

Some women suffer from iron deficiency because of menorrhagia. Little Jacques Moritz, Director of Gynecology at Roosevelt Center in New York City that has lots of blood caused by menorrhagia, leading to iron deficiency and must compensate by eating iron-rich foods

The skin looks pale:

There are more obvious symptoms of iron deficiency is that skin look sallow and pale because hemoglobin in the blood leads to red and the skin looks rosy. This also means, that the lack of this protein leads to dull skin. And Dr. Moritz that iron deficiency causes fade facial skin and lips, gums, inside of the eyelids.

Feeling shortness of breath:

Regardless, the depth of breathing low oxygen levels lead to shortness of breath. Explains Dr. Berlin if climbing stairs or walking and feeling of shortness of breath, it means that you are suffering from a lack of iron levels.

Heart palpitations:

Iron deficiency leads to lack of access to adequate energy leading to arrhythmias and heart disease. So if you are suffering from severe anaemia should consult altabibo and if you suffer from heart disease should consult a doctor about adequate levels of iron for iron deficiency can lead to increased situation worse.

Inflammation of the nerves of the foot:

Dr. John hobcz mentions that the worst symptom of iron deficiency is the occurrence of neuritis and inability to stand up for a while.


Iron deficiency leads to lack of access of oxygen to the brain which leads to pain. And Dr. Berlin brain arteries swell in this case, thereby lead to headaches.

Feel like eating ice cream:

Iron deficiency may lead to a greater sense of eating non-food items and luckily, women may need eat snow because there is anemia.

The feeling of discomfort and anxiety for no reason:

Iron deficiency leads to anxiety and tension continuously without any grounds for it leads to lack of and poor oxygen transport to the nervous system. So you keep eat iron from food foods to avoid tension.

Hair loss:

Iron deficiency leads to hair gradually tshakt and lack of access of oxygen that supports the vital functions and keep the hair healthy and strong. Dr. moritnz says that there is no need for concern in this case, especially if a few hairs if you fall more than 100 calories per day should consult a doctor.

A vegetarian:

No body gets iron by equal amounts, so that the body absorbs iron which comes from meat, poultry and fish and when ingested twice or three times a day better than iron which comes from plant system. Nutrition expert says Rania endothelial decompensation and author of diet step by step must be well planned meal to get iron and crop plantation system combining meat and vegetable such as careful eating green leafy vegetables, whole grains, legumes and foods rich in vitamin c such as peppers, berries, broccoli and meat.
Suffering from hypothyroidism: tine

Iron deficiency slows the action of thyroid in the body and disrupt the metabolism, and according to the American National Academy of thyroid there are 6 total persons 10 persons suffer from thyroid unconsciously they have thyroid problems. And remember that when low levels of energy, weight gain, low body temperature may be one of the signs of hypothyroidism.


Many women lose a significant amount of blood during childbirth and thus reduces the levels of iron. Therefore, pregnancy increases the complications of iron loss and may cause vomiting or nausea in the morning.

It seems a little weird blowjob:

It seems a strange tongue color is abnormal because of low iron levels lead to low levels of hemoglobin and erythrocyte is a protein that supports the health of the muscles and the muscles of the tongue. So most people who suffer from inflammation of the tongue is associated with iron deficiency.

Gastrointestinal problems:

In case of not getting adequate amounts of iron dietary intake, digestive disorders and bowel infections such as inflammation of the colon, these cases increase iron absorption.

vendredi 6 novembre 2015

Sunlight and vitamin d


Vitamin d is essential for bone health, we get the most vitamin d from exposure to sunlight. But, be sure to get enough vitamin d without risking injury to sun damage.

Therefore, you must cover or skin protection before starting the redness or burns.

Each person needs to vitamin d to absorb calcium and phosphorus from the food system. These are the minerals are important for bone health. Could vitamin d (known as vitamin d deficiency) to relent and weak bones, and causes distortions; in children, for example, can lead to vitamin d deficiency rickets (alrkhd). Either in adults, vitamin deficiency can lead to osteomalacia, which causes suffering to flickering.

How do you get vitamin d?

The body can manufacture most of the vitamin d we have the effect of direct sunlight on the skin.

Also get vitamin d from certain foods such as fatty fish (e.g. salmon, mackerel and sardines, "mackerel"), eggs and meat.

Vitamin d is also added to all types of margarine and milk and some breakfast cereals, soy products, dairy products, milk powder, low fat sauces.

How much should stay in the Sun?

There is one recommendation for all people, because the amount of time the skin needs to stay under the Sun to configure enough vitamin d depends on a number of things.
It includes skin type (for example, how is the dark skin, or how easily the incidence of sunburn), time of year and time of day.

Prepare a short daily periods of sun exposure without sunscreen use, during the summer months (April to October) is sufficient for most people to manufacture enough vitamin d. the evidence indicates that the most effective time for the production of vitamin d per day is from 11 am to 3 pm.

Means a short period in the Sun for several minutes about 10 to 15 minutes for most people and should be less than the time taken for the onset of redness or burning of the skin. The area of skin that is exposed to more sunlight, the opportunity to manufacture enough vitamin d before starting burn more.

Need people with dark skin to spend longer in the Sun to produce the same amount of vitamin d.

The skin may not be able to manufacture vitamin d from sunlight in winter (November to March), because sunlight doesn't contain enough UV b. However, during the winter, we get vitamin d from body stores and food sources.

To stay under the Sun, especially for long periods without protection, increases the risk of skin cancer. Therefore, you must cover or skin protection before starting the redness or burning later. This is the use of sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 15.

Who is at risk of vitamin d deficiency?

The recommended intake of vitamin d a day to the following groups:

-All pregnant and lactating women.

-All infants and young children aged from six months to five years.

-Older persons aged 65 years and above.

-Persons not exposed to much sunlight, such as those covering their skin, or staying indoors, or are obliged to remain there for long periods.

-People with dark skin.

It is important for pregnant and lactating women that taking vitamin d supplements to fulfil special needs, so that the child has adequate stores of vitamin d in the first few months of his life.

You could take a person's vitamin d more?

People who take supplements are advised not to eat more than 25 μg of vitamin d daily, doses of dietary supplements in excess of this amount can be harmful.

Referred to the amount of vitamin d found in international units IU supplements sometimes, where 40 IU 1 µg of vitamin d.

Lungs Disease

When a person breathes, extract oxygen from the air and lungs had reaches the bloodstream, the body cells require oxygen to function and grow. Breathing natural person in day time, 25000 people with lung diseases of breathing difficulty. Millions of people suffer from pulmonary diseases. The term "pulmonary" to disorders affecting the lungs such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and infections such as influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung cancer and many other respiratory problems. Some may cause pulmonary respiratory failure.


When a person breathes, extract oxygen from the air and lungs had reaches the bloodstream, the body cells require oxygen to function and grow. People with lung disease suffer from difficulty in breathing. The term "pulmonary" to many disorders affecting the lungs and may cause some lung diseases can cause respiratory failure. This information explains the pulmonary health, addressing common symptoms of pulmonary disease, more common lung diseases and treatment.


Allow the lungs to us blood oxygen saturation. And absorbs the oxygen breathed to the blood through the tissues of the lungs. When a person breathes air enters through the mouth and nose, and being there to the throat, or pharynx. Then the air enters the trachea also called the larynx and trachea, tracheal lungs ends. Air enters from the trachea to the number of tubes that reduces its size, called bronchial tubes. Bronchial tubes end bags resembling small balloons called balasnakh or alveoli, oxygen is transmitted through the air to the bloodstream; at the same time, carbon dioxide will leave the blood through the lungs, where poses outside the body. The lining of the bronchial tubes secrete mucus which detains dirt in the air. Protect small brushes called Cilia by respiratory tract mucus constantly outside the lungs spontaneously, either mucus alot, get rid of it by coughing.

General symptoms

Various lung diseases are similar in many similar symptoms, breathing difficulty is the main in lung diseases. Other common symptoms in lung diseases are:

Coughing that degenerates or does not go away.
A sense of suppressed or tightness in the chest.
Pain during inspiration and expiration.
Unintentional weight loss.
Frequent lung infections.
Shortness of breath or wheezing.

Cause some lung diseases:

Sore throat or runny nose.
Swelling of the face or neck.

Other symptoms include:

Blood tinged cough.
Night sweats.
Sputum been smeared.

You should see a health care provider when a complaint from one of these symptoms or any other changes, it only able to learn.


Asthma is a common disease that affects the tubes carrying air into the lungs and elsewhere. Case sensitive asthma patients of certain substances or inflammation swelling occurs in the lining of the lungs, causing narrow ways. Internal lining of the lungs swell quickly when an asthma and respiratory ways are filled with thick mucus, and the muscles around the bronchial tubes, what reduces airflow to the lungs, and this could be a life-threatening situation. Some causes of asthma:

Allergens such as animal hair and pollen and mold.
The harsh conditions, such as very cold or very warm.
Particulate matter air pollution.
Smoking and passive smoking.

May include asthma treatment away from causes through:

Wash your pet once a week.
Disposal of appliances that cause dust accumulation, such as thick carpets and curtains.
The use of air conditioning.

It must also avoid smoking and secondhand smoke. Medications are used to treat asthma and prevention of asthma attacks, since they reduce the inflammation in the bronchial tubes, and mitigate allergic lungs against allergens. Some of these medicines quickly and give anshaka, while others require longer, usually given by mouth.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a medical condition causing difficulty in breathing and worsen over time. Decreased in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of airflow and airway because:

It has routes and air pockets elastic properties.
Secretion of respiratory tract mucus quantity than usual causing printheads –.
Damage to the walls between the air pockets.
Inflammation and thickening of the walls of the Airways.

May cause smoking and irritating substances and lung infection inflammation of bronchial tubes walasnakh and most of the cells that line the lungs. Prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease better than cure, so we must avoid smoking and secondhand smoke and irritating substances and pollution prevention of damage to the lungs associated with ischaemic disease. To reduce symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease health care providers recommend that their patients:

Air humidification.
Chest physiotherapy to improve ability to cough.
Give oxygen.
Bronchodilators, which are medications that open Bronchioles.
Steroid medications to treat inflammation.
Antibiotics to treat the infection.

The lungs are infected with numerous cases of infection are:

The flu.
Inflammation of the lung.

Influenza is an infectious disease caused by a crepes or influenza virus, which attacks the nose, throat and lungs, and is spread easily from person to person. Infection may occur with severe disease and influenza virus life-threatening complications, but most sufferers recover within a week or two by recourse to:

Drink plenty of fluids.

To prevent spreading the disease to others, you must follow the following:

Cover nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
Stay at home and avoid contact with others.
Wash hands frequently.

Pneumonia is inflammation of the lung tissue, and at Pentecost with pus and other liquid, making it difficult for oxygen to reach the bloodstream. Suffering is suffering from inflammation of the lung from coughing, fever and difficulty breathing. There are more than 50 types of pneumonia, causing bacterial pneumonia, bacterial and viral pneumonia virus while causing fungi and other organisms other forms of infectious lung infections. Antibiotics are used to treat certain lung infections, such as bacterial pneumonia, used as antiviral medications to alleviate certain viral infections. Cures most forms of pneumonia be treated within a week or two, some living with severe pneumonia will need to stay in hospital to improve their situation. Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection caused deaths than any other infectious disease in the world, and is spread from person to person through the air that carries the infected cough drops in sales or his sneezing or outside air from his lungs. Healing treatment 90% of TB cases, it depends on the medication for several months. Become infected with tuberculosis usually not gastrin after treatment with at least two weeks.


The body consists of small cells. Grow normal cells in the body and die in a controlled manner, but sometimes the cells divide and grow in a way that is amenable to control, causing abnormal growth called a tumor. Called the tumor which invades tissues and body parts nearby a malignant tumor or cancer. Spread of cancer cells to the different body parts via blood vessels and lymph channels. Called cancers in the body as a place of origin, so called cancer that originated in the Lung lung cancer even if spread to other regions. Cancer tends to be hereditary, so a person must be subject to periodically check for signs of cancer if he has relatives living with him. As experts agree that tobacco smoke and chew tobacco smoke exposure may cause lung cancer. Increase the exposure to chemicals and other environmental factors, such as pollution or alasbestos of the risk of cancer. Lung cancer treatment depends on the type and stage of lung cancer. Can treat lung cancer:

Chemical processing.
Targeted therapy.

You can also use a combination of previous treatments.


When a person breathes, extract oxygen from the air and lungs had come into the bloodstream, where the cells of the body need oxygen to function and grow. People with lung disease suffer from difficulty in breathing. Some may cause pulmonary respiratory failure. The most common lung diseases are:

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Kalanflonza infection and pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Pulmonary treatment includes:

Chest physiotherapy to improve cough.
Lifestyle changes as a move away from the irritating substances and smoking cessation.
Rest and drink lots of fluids.

For cancer treatment also may include surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, treatment, treatments also can share with each other. You should see a health care provider when you complain of symptoms of pulmonary disease, because it is the only capable of knowing.